Sonia Távora withdrawals the main gate of the Park Lage Visual Arts School (Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage – Rio de Janeiro) and inserts it as an image in the interior of the Gallery. Immediately after, the artist dismembers the silhouette of the landscape, which melts through its breaches. If we start thinking from the problem of the image, this is a double negative landscape, not only because it is dissected and dismembered, but also due to the fact that it puts the double ─ i.e, the photo ─ in direct conflict with the real. However, the same image executes an inversion and becomes positive by occupying the Gallery’s space. Besides provoking a perforation of the wall by/with the image, as if we could see through the wall, it transformed what was a simple landscape (transposing the gate) into a space with volumetry, when aiming the face to face images to be part of the volume of the room..
Guilherme Bueno
Professor, art critic and the exhibition’s trustee